The Environmental Registry contains "public notices" about environmental matters being proposed by all government ministries
covered by the Environmental Bill of Rights. The public notices may contain information about proposed new laws, regulations,
policies and programs or about proposals to change or eliminate existing ones.
When final decisions are made, you will be told how many and what kind of comments were made, as well as the impact, if
any, the comments had on the decision. You will also be told whether and how you can appeal and challenge the decision.
But the Registry is more than just an electronic filing cabinet.
Most importantly, the Environmental Registry allows you to participate in decisions that affect the environment.
The Purpose of the Environmental Registry
The Environmental Registry (“Registry”) is a website that provides public access to a database holding information
about environmental proposals and decisions made by the Ontario government.
The Registry is an important part of ensuring that the public can participate in decisions being made on environmental
issues. The Environmental Registry is the only one of its kind in Canada and was created under Ontario's Environmental Bill
of Rights, 1993 (EBR).
Through providing internet access to environmentally-relevant information, the Environmental Registry allows the public
to exercise its right to:
- be given public notice of a range of government proposals and decisions related to environmental matters, and
- be able to provide comments on those issues.
The Environmental Commissioner of Ontario is responsible for monitoring that the government fulfills its obligations under
the Environmental Bill of Rights, including the Registry.
More information about the range of rights provided to Ontarians under the Environmental Bill of Rights – and how
to exercise them – is available on the Environmental Commissioner's website.